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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Blur to release brand new album 2013.

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Blur are raring to get back in the studio to work on new material, with front man Damon Albarn saying the new material will be released, but only once he's released his solo album.

The Wall Street Journal claims he confirmed the album in an interview, but that it will not be released just yet.

The news appeared after Albarn hinted earlier this year that the band were cooking up some brand new material. Amazing news for all your die-hard Blur fans!

Albarn has most recently been working on his own album with XL Records boss Richard Russell. He recently said We worked together on the Bobby Womack record, and really enjoyed working together. He’s done spectacularly well as a music mogul, but I think he wants to focus his energy on producing records.

Making a solo record can be such a disaster, so I thought if we’re going to make a record with my name on it, I should get someone to really produce it – take that responsibility away from myself.’

Albarn is currently in New York promoting his musical 'Monkey: Journey To The West'. Speaking of the show and his various other musical projects, he also spoke more of his new solo album. He said: "You can hear a lot, what's going on. It's quite intimate."

Check out a recent clip from his set in Coachella here...

Monday 8 July 2013

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa premiere to be held in Norwich and London

  Alan Partridge premiere set for Norwich

The premiere of Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa will be held in Norwich before heading to London, it has been announced.

The red carpet bash will take place on Wednesday, July 24 in the character’s home town.

The hapless radio DJ, played by Steve Coogan, will greet fans at Anglia Square before boarding a helicopter to get to London in time for the evening premiere in Leicester Square.

Coogan speaking as Partridge said: ‘You can imagine how hurt and litigious I felt when people said I was planning to debut my movie in London instead of Norwich, or that I’d allowed my head to be turned by the prospect of big city fame.

Any suggestion I’ve hastily cobbled together the lunchtime Norwich screening in response to a local Twitter campaign will be met with the full force of the law.’

The news comes after a Facebook campaign attracted 7,100 followers to the cause of returning Alan to his rightful town.

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa is set for release in UK cinemas on August 7. 

Friday 5 July 2013

Asimo - Honda's latest creation!

Say Hello, or Konichiwa, to Asimo, the impressive Robot created by Honda.

The walking, talking android works at the Miraikan Science Museum, Japan, as a guide. Unfortunately his first day on the job didn't quite go to plan…

Robot tour guide fluffs his lines

The robust little fella is unable, at present, to detect any human body language and will only answer to questions if you raise your hand.

Unfortunately, as visitors were constantly taking pictures with their smartphones, this only confused Asimo who, rather than posing for the crowd, repeatedly asked: ‘Who wants to ask Asimo a question?’

As you can imagine, this glitch was quite embarrassing for Honda and poor Asimo, who has no voice recognition software and can only respond to pre-set questions selected from a touch-panel device.

Honda Motor's humanoid robot Asimo interacts with visitors at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo on July 3, 2013. Honda developed an autonomous behavior control technology, which enables Asimo to make decisions required to behave in concert with the movements of  the surrounding people without being controlled by an operator.  AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNOYOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images

So, although very impressive, Satoshi Shigemi, Honda’s robotics technology chief is still working to expand Asimo’s features and develop him into a truly masterful machine, rather than a paranoid android.

See his full features to date on our video below, plus, more inspiring tech videos on our YouTube channel.

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